

Lazarus.J.J. et al Elisa based measurement of antibody responses and PCR based detection profiles can distinguish between active infection and early clearance of Borrelia burgdorferi

March 2011

Kullberg.B.J. et al, The Netherlands Journal of Medicine, 2011 March.

The challange of Lyme Disease; tired of the Lyme wars. 


March 2011

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Tired of Lyme Borreliosis


 Jan 2011

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Borrelia burgdorferi VlsE antigen for serological diagnosis of Lyme borreliosis


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Do bartonella infections cause agitation, panic disoreder, and treatment-resistent depression? 


Stricker RB, Counterpoint: long-term antibiotic therapy improves persistent symptoms associated with Lyme disease.


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Teken en door teken overdraagbare pathogenen bij gezelschapsdieren in Nederland

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Serological testing for Bartonella henselae infections in The Netherlands; clinical evaluation of immunofluorescence assay and Elisa.

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Acute facial nerve palsy in children: How often is it Lyme borreliosis?

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Microbiological and serological diagnosis of Lyme borreliosis. 

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Focus floating microscopy: "gold standard" for cutaneous borreliosis? 

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Bartonella henselae infection associated with Guillain-Barre syndrome

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Diagnostic utility of Borrelia burgdorferi cerbrospinal fluid polymerase chain reaction in children with Lyme meningitis
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